At 33 years old, I felt the passion to be more than a skilled labourer. I believed in the ‘TRADES’ and their potential for higher Income levels. My biggest ‘PROBLEM’ became – No Red Seal Certification. Noticing my income level was significantly less because of it, something had to be done. Red Seal Co-workers were earning approx. $12/hr more money, my employer was pleased ‘to pay less for more”, and I knew the onus (one’s duty or responsibility) was on me. Therefore, after receiving my approved ITA challenge application (including: Trade-Related Work Experience: 9,540 hours) I contacted Mr. Richard Dickenson.

If you are reading this Testimonial I implore you to take action! You either have your Red Seal, or you don’t. Acknowledge and accept accountability for your life. You must do what it takes to pass this exam.

Therefore, if you understand your role in creating results; Integrated Carpentry Tutorials live-stream on-line delivery method (ZOOM) is an amazing choice. For my course fee investment(s) I received 58 hours of class instruction and an additional 9 hours of harmonized tutoring (directed towards my learning style) - with Richards support I successfully passed the Red Seal exam. Returning to work on

Monday, October 28th 2019 I now earn $480 a week more money for the same amount of hours.

I am so pleased with this program, I could not have made a better choice! The dedication, patience, and persistence provided by Richard Dickenson is unmatched. This man changed my life. This man changed my bank account. There shall be no more opportunity cost by me not having my Red Seal Certification. Thank you Richard!

Friends for Life.

Benjamin (Jayme) Hoxie Niagara Falls, Ontario (ZOOM)