is taking time to interview people who gained certification and Red Seal credentials through education provided by Integrated Carpentry Tutorials. These are fascinating profiles of people who chose to perservere against the odds and found out how to succeed in attaining valuable goals. Perserverence is a marvelous characteristic. I thank Richard Dickenson for introducing me, Malcolm McCcoll, to these amazing people.
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About Integrated Carpentry Tutorials
We have put together a comprehensive refresher program to help working Carpenters and Apprentices gain the skills they need to challenge the I.T.A. Exam and get their Red Seal Certification. is taking time to interview people who gained certification and Red Seal credentials through education provided by Integrated Carpentry Tutorials. These are fascinating profiles of people who chose to perservere against the odds and found out how to succeed in attaining valuable goals. Perserverence is a marvelous characteristic. I thank Richard Dickenson for introducing me, Malcolm McCcoll, to these amazing people.